• Fashion,  Outfits

    Welcome to December

    It was cold outside today. Cold and drear. It snowed yesterday, but today it has warmed up just enough to turn the snow into a slippery sludge. The worst kind of snow. I often feel like the best, and only redeeming quality about the cold is snow. But when the snow is like this–a sloppy porridge which mixes with the dirt and lays about like ice-slick puddles–I begin to wish there isn’t any of it at all. But I should remain positive. Positivity is like sunshine. It keeps the cold away. There are good things about this weather. When the snow is wet and the air biting, I find it…

  • Fashion,  Outfits

    Holiday Casual

    Brian and I went down to the park before Thanksgiving dinner to take pictures for the blog. I wore a deep maroon party dress I picked up at the Goodwill for 15 dollars several years back. Under it I layered a cream lace crop top—a trend which is inherently immodest, but can be made modest with a little bit of creativity. To make my attire slightly less formal, I wore one of my husband’s button up shirts on top, and tied it at the waist. I wanted something dressy enough for a holiday, but casual enough for the laid-back family environment I celebrated it in. Holiday casual, I guess I…

  • Fashion,  Outfits


    Shivering, I crouched down to capture a photo of a pine cone, nestled in the grass at my feet. I wish I could capture for you the aroma that rushed up to meet me as I bent down, a mixture of wet earth and the sweet scent of decaying leaves. Until technology has been invented that allows for the capture and transportation of scent, however, I will have to make do with what I have. Pictures and words. When I looked at the pictures I took for this week’s blog post, and I couldn’t help but feel a cold twinge of disappointment deep in my gut. Where were the glossy…

  • Fashion,  Outfits

    Ode to the Scarf

    It’s possible I might own a few too many scarves. The top drawer of my dresser is packed full of them, and if I had the money, I’d probably keep buying more. Scarves are my favorite accessory, partly because they are so versatile, partly because they are trendy, partly because they are cozy, partly because they are made of beautiful folds of cascading fabric—but mostly because they offer modesty support like no other garment I know. The scarf is a perfect modesty fix for almost any problem north of the belly button. Neckline a little too low? Drape a scarf ever so elegantly across your front and problem solved! Shirt exposing…