• Fashion,  Outfits

    Layering with Flannel

    I am pretty proud of my layering skills today. Normally, layering is something I really struggle with, but putting this outfit together was cake! In today’s Modest Fashion Inspiration, I am wearing a layered collection of flannels and lace. Layer one, is one of my husband’s blue sleeveless shirts. My camisoles are all dirty, so I just dug through our collective clothes collection and picked something out that was a nice color with the rest of my outfit. I tucked the shirt in because it is huge on me, but the tuck actually added a nice contrast to the rest of my layers. Layer two is a plaid flannel shirt that…

  • Fashion,  Outfits

    Skinny Jeans + Chambray Shirt

    One of the best parts about being married? Stealing my husband’s clothes. I’m completely joking, of course. But, in all seriousness, I have borrowed Brian’s shirts on more than one occasion. Case in point? This (almost) chambray button up shirt. I think I wear it more than he does. And that’s no joke. In fact, this is the second time I’ve worn it on this blog! The first time was here. Obviously, it would be a lot more flattering if the shirt was tailored to fit me–especially in the back. Somehow, I always end up having lots of extra fabric in my back area! Even without tailoring however, I still think…

  • Fashion,  Outfits

    Better with Lace

    I’ve been MIA for a couple of weeks, and I’m sorry. I’d lay down a cartful of excuses…but honestly? I don’t have any. Not a single one. It just happened. The good news though, is that I’m back and ready to start over! We all need a little restart every now-and-then, right? I’d been planning this particular outfit in my head for several days, but I’ve been feeling pretty sick the last few days, so getting out of my pjs was definitely not going to happen. I had to dress up for Sunday night Mass though, so I thought I’d give this ensemble a try! The whole look was rather…

  • Fashion,  Outfits

    Florals and Green

    I’ve worn this particular outfit combo several times, so I’m not sure why it took me so long to write a post about it. I really love the out-doorsy, rugged vibe of my anorak coat and paddock boots, paired with this floral dress. Speaking of floral dresses, isn’t this one just lovely? I got it from the Goodwill several years ago and it’s been a favorite ever since. It was one of those “looked really ugly on the hanger” dresses, but I saw it and thought I’d give it a shot. It is a little short for my taste. That’s why you see it here, worn with a thick pair…

  • Fashion,  Outfits

    Boyfriend Jeans and a Pretty Scarf

    Winter is a great time to cozy up on the couch and get some reading done. Cold weather always makes me want to curl up with a good book and a cup of tea. I’m going to be completely honest. It took a little bit of inner gumption to post today’s outfit photos online. I’ve put on a little weight over the past year or so and I’ve been really struggling with it. Recently, it’s been a bit worse. The holiday season has passed, and it left behind several extra pounds–all in the wrong places. In this set of pictures, it shows. And that kills me. I’m posting these pictures…

  • Fashion,  Outfits


    I apologize that my images came out rather lackluster today. My trusty wingman (aka husband) was busy so I dusted off my tripod and went solo. And failed. Rather miserably. All of my tripod images turned out rather blurry, dark, and poorly composed. Do any of you have tips or tricks to tripod photography? Because I just can’t figure this one out.

  • Fashion,  Outfits

    Christmas at the Rebars’

    Brian and I decorated our Christmas tree today. This is our first Christmas together as a married couple, and I’m pretty excited. I’ve still got a little bit of work to do on the house before we leave Sunday to visit family…but decorating is all fun work, so I’m okay with that! Today, I wore a oversized grey sweater, with my skinny jeans and my favorite pair of cozy socks. I was originally planning on getting rid of this sweater because it is designed to fit off the shoulder and is difficult to make modest. But I pulled it out of my give-away bag after a moment of desperation a few…