3 Books I’m Reading This October

Our road trip has come to a close, so (hopefully) I should be able to start putting out more Blogtober posts now. Somehow, I’d imagined this road trip as a chance to get lots and lots of writing done, but as I mentioned in an earlier post, I’ve been sick pretty much the entire time. Combine that with 5 to 9 hours of driving a day, and I’ve been too exhausted to do much more than squeeze out a few freelance projects.

This post is a little late, considering that it is already the 15th of October (oops!), but I thought it would be fun to do a quick round-up of all the books I’m reading this month.

01. Rurouni Kenshin (Volumes 7 – 9)

There’s a bit of a story behind this one. Brian and I just recently started reading manga (we started with Bleach because we’d been watching the anime series, which ends before the final arc) because we thought it would be something fun to do together. We tried reading Harry Potter together a few years back, and it didn’t work out because I’m a super fast reader and Brian reads relatively slowly (something I always tease him about).

Well guess who just texted me to say he’d finished the final book of Rurouni Kenshin (#28)? Yup. That’s right … turns out Brian is much faster at reading manga than me. Meanwhile, I’m back here still working on book 7. So there’s that.

I’m going to keep chugging away though. I’ll catch up, I promise! Currently, I’m thinking a good goal is to make sure I polish off at least one of these a week, which will put me at book nine or so by the end of the month.

02. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

October seems like a nice month to start a reread of this series. It’s been so long since I read them last (I think since Brian and I attempted it, which was while we were dating).

I originally decided to do a reread Harry Potter because I thought it would be a good book to practice a new Twitter idea I’m trying out.

In a nutshell, what I am hoping to do is live tweet about books as I read them. This could be in-depth things like literary commentary, or just basic thoughts and reactions. I think it will be a fun, creative way to engage with the bookish community!

I have a few snags to iron out before I start doing this consistently. The biggest snag I’m hitting is figuring out a set time to read/tweet every day. I’ve tried doing it while Clark is awake … but he always starts pulling at me the second I sit down. I’ve tried doing it during his nap time, but I’m always trying to cram everything into that little 2-3 hour block, and I’m starting to run out of nap time to work with. I tried doing it after Clark goes to bed … and apparently I’m an old lady now because I promptly fell asleep. Oops.

I’m sure I’ll get into a rhythm eventually. In the meantime, you can follow along with my (infrequent) attempts by checking out my twitter profile: @erinann_11 or searching the hashtag #erinreads.

03. WoT: Crossroads of Twilight

I’ve attempted this series so many times I’ve lost count. The first time, I was in elementary school, and only got to book five or so before dropping out (because let’s be honest, The Wheel of Time is heavy reading for an elementary school student). The second time was in middle school, and though I got a little further, it was still a little too dense for me at that age. I tried again in high school, but then AP classes and whatnot got in the way … and at least one more time in college, but well, life happens.

It’s pretty ironic really, that I’ve never actually finished the books, considering I’ve always considered this series one of my all time favorites. I’ve made it to book 10 this time around, so I’m feeling optimistic!

Speaking of Wheel of Time, how do you feel about the new Amazon series that will be coming out? I’m super pumped, and though I have a few reservations, I’m feeling hopeful that it will be great! I’m going to try to squeeze in one last read-through of the whole series before the first episode airs (dream on, right?). Maybe I’ll even live tweet about it — if I ever get that process figured out, of course!

What books are you currently reading this month? I’d love to hear about them!


  • Robert M

    I have heard quite a few people talk about the Wheel of Time series and I’ve always wanted to give it a try but my list of books to read is SOOOOO long, I’ll get there eventually. In that same vein though…

    I am reading book 2 of the Mistborn series by Brandon Sanderson. I know I read the first book before but I could have sworn I never got any further than that; however, as I ended book 1 there were things that I swear I remember happening that hadn’t happened yet. Then as I have started book 2 I am reading some things that I thought happened in book 1, so apparently I at least read part of book 2 before and just don’t remember it being book 2 or I’m losing my mind. Probably a bit of both. In either case if you like fantasy it’s definitely something to check out.

    I am also reading what, is as far as I know, the last book the in Miss Peregrine’s Peculiar Children series. I have enjoyed all the books and found it a novel (see what I did there?) idea to find old pictures that seem quite peculiar to us today and base a story around them.

    And last but not least when we took the kids to the library not that long ago I saw a book sitting out on top of one of the small shelves that seemed interesting. It was a book about how women were becoming pilots at a time when it was considered a man’s thing as well as how they served during WW II and performed many great feats to help serve the overall war effort. It’s imply written because it is for younger kids but we can all still learn something right?

    I don’t count my Java Programming book since that is for a class I’m taking and not for pleasure.

    • Erin

      I have not read the Mistborn series yet, but I’ve heard from so many people that they are a must read! I haven’t gotten far enough in WoT to have experienced Sanderson’s writing style yet. Maybe I’ll tackle Mistborn after I (finally) finish WoT.

      I haven’t read Miss Peregrine’s but my mom has told me repeatedly that I need to read it, so I guess I’ll pick it up eventually 😅 I love the concept though.

      Also, I love reading nonfiction and learning about things like history! I haven’t read any for awhile, but now you’ve reminded me that I should start doing that again. That book about women pilots sounds super fascinating!

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