• A Sundry

    Looking at Weight Gain as a Blessing

    It’s important to acknowledge all the little blessings in our lives. Most of the time, these blessings are obvious. The feeling of sunlight on our skin, the joy of a good book, the safety of home, a hearty meal, laughter with friends, the love of our families — all these things are easy to take for granted, but also tend to be easy to identify. But sometimes, things happen. And those things suck. When we experience hardship in our lives, it can be easy to forget that God gives us hardship to help us grow. That sometimes, sorrow or pain is actually a beautiful gift. We don’t see it that…

  • A Sundry

    Turnbull National Wildlife Refuge

    I recently visited the Turnbull National Wildlife Refuge, located about five miles away from my house. The refuge costs 3 dollars to get in, but boy was it worth it! I was working on a class project, so I didn’t have time to stay and look around, but I’m definitely hoping to go back sometime soon and explore! It was absolutely beautiful there. For my project, I had to take video of some birds. I’ve never tried to video birds before, and I was amazed at just how hard it is! Eventually, I ended up parking on the side of the road and hiking off into the wilderness. There wasn’t…

  • A Sundry

    Fish Lake

    This world that God has put us in is painfully beautiful. Sometimes, however, I feel like we forget to stop and appreciate that beauty — at least I know I do. It is for this reason that I’ve decided I’m going to start sharing my photography here on this blog. Photography lets us pause a moment in time — it allows us to reflect, and truly appreciate God’s beauty. This beauty comes in many forms. It shows itself in earth’s creatures — us included — and in the wild lands around us. It even shows itself in manmade form; architecture, artwork, music, literature, technology … the list goes on. Even things…

  • A Sundry

    Pictures of a July Wedding

    As of today, Brian and I have been married for half a year! I can hardly believe it, the wedding truly feels like it was just yesterday. In honor of our 6 month anniversary, I am posting a collection of some of my favorite wedding pictures. Thank you Brian, for a wonderful 6 months! I’m the luckiest girl in the world, and I’m looking forward to spending the rest of my life with you! Photos by Alex Lasota Photography. Thank you Alex for a wonderful collection of memories. If anyone is in need of wedding/engagement/family photos, I highly recommend this girl!    

  • A Sundry

    Christmas Traditions

    Brian and I celebrated Christmas with my parents in Montana this year. I haven’t been home on Christmas for three years, so it was nice to have a chance to visit. There’s nothing quite like Christmas on a farm in Montana. Of course I might be biased. Just maybe. Since this is Brian and my first Christmas together as a married couple, there was a lot of talk about traditions. Traditions are one of my favorite things about the holiday season. They make the holidays richer. More magical. They add warmth and flavor to memories. They increase anticipation of the future. This year, we each brought traditions with us from our childhood.…

  • A Sundry

    Thanksgiving Reflections

    I’ll be honest, Thanksgiving has never been my favorite holiday. Don’t get me wrong, food is delicious and I consistently eat too much of it—but I just don’t find that much satisfaction in a holiday that encourages me to eat way more than my sensitive stomach can handle. On top of that, the holiday has always felt a little cheesy to me. People, sitting around a table, reciting to each other the things they are thankful for—a good practice, to be sure, but there seldom seems to be any substance to it. Perhaps it is because Thanksgiving is not a religious holiday that I find I have trouble fully embracing…