• Fashion,  Outfits

    Holiday Red

    I’ve been spending a lot of days in pajamas and sweats recently, and I’ve definitely seen it impact my mood and productiveness. Therefore, I’ve decided to make getting dressed a priority — even if I won’t be leaving the house and the only people who see me are Brian and Clark. It’s amazing how big of a difference a little bit of effort can make. Getting dressed in the morning isn’t easy, especially when I’ve been up all night with Clark or am finding trouble setting him down long enough to even brush my teeth. Easy or not, taking a little time to dress up helps me feel more awake and…

  • A Sundry

    It’s Beginning to Feel A Lot Like Christmas (10 Things to do This Winter)

    I know winter doesn’t technically start until December 21st, but in my head, December 1st is always the beginning of winter. The fact that most of December is actually fall has always been so odd to me! For me, December is the quintessential winter month. I figured I would share with you all my winter bucket list (a.k.a., the things I’d like to do this winter), in the hopes that it would inspire you to get out and enjoy the season. Maybe, you will even write a bucket list of your own! If you do, please share it in the comment section below 🙂 Find snow: If I’m lucky, this one…