Hand-Holding and the Orans Posture During the “Our Father”

What do you do during the “Our Father”?

Whether using the Orans Posture, holding hands with your neighbor, or simply folding your hands together in prayer, it’s true that the prayer posture used during the “Our Father” is one of the most hotly contested points of the Mass. Nearly everyone seems to have an opinion. The question is, who’s opinion is right? Is anyone’s? Does it matter?

According to the USCCB, “No position is prescribed in the Roman Missal for an assembly gesture during the Lord’s Prayer.”

Because no position is prescribed, it is true that prayer posture during the “Our Father” comes down to opinion and personal preference. In other words, we as the congregation are free to choose which posture we use. However, the use of the Orans Posture and hand-holding during the Lord’s Prayer is problematic on a theological level. This matters because nothing the Church does is without purpose and if we ignore some of the symbolism and tradition that the Catholic Church offers, we are missing out on a part of the richness that our faith can give us.


Holding hands during the Lord’s Prayer is a relatively recent phenomena within the Catholic Church. The gesture wasn’t widely seen before Vatican II and, according to an article by Catholic Culture, may have been “introduced [by priests] with good intentions to highlight the unity of the congregation as they pray, ‘Our Father,’ not ‘My Father.'” It also may have come about during the hippie “Free Love” movement in the  60s and 70s — coincidentally around the same time that this practice became prevalent.

Proponents of hand-holding during the “Our Father” often say that this gesture demonstrates unity in prayer and brings the congregation together in a way that makes us feel like family. This purpose becomes rather redundant, however, when we remember (as I explained in this post) that part of the reason we stand during prayer in Mass is to symbolize our unity as a congregation.

The other problem is that not everyone is comfortable holding hands with a stranger. This actually disrupts unity because it creates a situation in which some people hold hands anyways and are distracted by their discomfort.

“The act of holding hands usually emphasizes group or personal unity from the human or physical point of view and is thus more typical of the spontaneity of small groups,” according to an article by EWTN. “Hence it does not always transfer well into the context of larger gatherings where some people feel uncomfortable and a bit imposed upon when doing so.

The use of this practice during the Our Father could detract and distract from the prayer’s God-directed sense of adoration and petition, as explained in Nos. 2777-2865 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, in favor of a more horizontal and merely human meaning.”

It also disrupts unity because it creates a situation in which not everyone is doing the same thing. Remember the importance of symbolism that I was talking about earlier? When half of the congregation is doing one thing and half is doing another, it destroys something beautiful — the symbolism of a group of people standing together, speaking the same words, with the same gestures because they are not just a collection of bodies but one individual voice, raising towards God.

Yet another argument against holding hands is that it anticipates and devalues the sign of peace — the part of the Mass in which everyone shakes hands with their neighbors while saying the familiar phrase, “Peace be with you.”

I like this argument because the sign of peace, which comes directly after the “Our Father,” is meant to be a time when we greet our fellow Catholics, offering them peace and goodwill while we connect through the physicality of a hand shake. Isn’t the beauty of this moment overshadowed by redundancy — even just a bit — if we had already been holding hands?

The Orans Posture

We’ve all seen it, though most of us probably don’t know the Orans Posture by name. The Orans Posture is one that we frequently see priests use — arms outstretched with palms facing upwards. A lot of people have adopted this posture during the “Our Father” as an alternative to hand-holding and also use it at several other points during the Mass.

According to an article by Church Militant, the posture itself predates Christianity and was often used as a position of pleading and supplication in many ancient religions. It eventually worked its way into Christianity as a symbol of Christ on the cross. What many people don’t know is that this posture is reserved strictly for the priest during the Catholic Mass and wasn’t seen in the congregation until the charismatic renewal, according to an article by EWTN.

“It is a legitimate gesture to use when praying, as history shows, however, it is a private gesture when used in the Mass and in some cases conflicts with the system of signs which the rubrics are intended to protect,” according to EWTN. “The Mass is not a private or merely human ceremony. The symbology of the actions, including such gestures, is definite and precise, and reflects the sacramental character of the Church’s prayer.”

When used by the priest, the gesture signifies the priest praying on our behalf and also symbolizes his role as in persona Christi (in the person of Christ).

What then should we do?

Ideally, everyone would do the same thing during the “Our Father.” In many cases, the best choice, perhaps, is to simply fold your hands and bow your head.

Things to consider:

  1. Your spirituality – This comes in to play when considering whether or not to hold hands during the “Our Father.” Since the Church says neither “yes” or “no” about this posture, in the end it is up to you. Consider what you feel called to, and whether you are more traditional or charismatic, among other things. Note: Regardless, you should not be using the Orans Posture during the “Our Father” or any other part of the Mass because the General Instruction of the Roman Missal (GIRM) specifically states that this posture is reserved for the priest.
  2. The theology – Do your own research. When it comes down to it, there is some practical theology out there that can help you make an informed choice.
  3. Being in union – I was told once that if you walk into a church and the majority of people are making a specific gesture (even if it’s something incorrect, like kneeling at the wrong time), it is more important to preserve the unity of the Mass than to do what you would normally do. If you are feeling particularly confident, you can always (kindly) take it up with the priest after Mass.
  4. Charity – Of course, if the little old lady standing next to you wants to hold your hand, there’s nothing wrong with taking it.

I feel that it’s important to note that whatever prayer posture you decide to take during the “Our Father,” you aren’t sinning. As Catholics, the danger to becoming overly scrupulous is very real and I’ve fallen to this tendency myself on several occasions.

That being said, even if it may not be a “salvation issue,” as many people coin it, it’s still a very important thing to consider and be mindful and prayerful of. This is because the Mass is one of the most important things in our lives, as Catholics. What may seem like minor or insignificant details regarding our participation, are in fact vastly important because they affect how we orient ourselves and perceive what’s going on around us in the Mass.


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  • Wilf Trinidad

    I read your post about Orans Posture and I find your explanation very simple to comprehend. I too was wondering how this gesture all of a sudden became the customary ritual during the praying of “Our Father.” I still cringe whenever I see this during the Holy Mass. I still stick to my usual way of praying with bowed head, my hands together in a clasp and with my eyes closed.

  • Jerome Jay

    I definitely have to disagree with one major point of this article: “Because no position is prescribed, it is true that prayer posture during the “Our Father” comes down to opinion and personal preference.”

    Because no option is listed, there is no option to add your own posture. It would be equally inappropriate to throw both hands into the air and wave them around during the Our Father. You could do that while praying the Our Father privately, but the Mass is not a private prayer.

    Why does it matter, if it isn’t a “law of God”, and if it is a “non-salvation” issue. For one thing, any good father will back up his wife. Mothers’ often appeal to the authority of the father to get children to behave, “Just wait until your father gets here”. It is similar with Holy Mother Church. God has given his bride The Church authority over His children, the faithful. Some sins are even binding under pain of mortal sin, such as going to church on Sunday, even though they are strictly speaking “mere” ecclesiastical laws. Any disobedience to the laws of the Church is disobedience to God. You just wait for your father to get here.

    Consequently, while I would agree that it isn’t the biggest deal in the world, the real worry is that in showing this willfulness in small matters that one will encourage within themselves a spirit of willfulness in large matters as well. As we pray in the Our Father: Thy Will be done.

    I would agree with most of the rest of the article, most especially: “In many cases, the best choice, perhaps, is to simply fold your hands and bow your head.” Just close your eyes, and fold your hands, and you will never have to worry about, or be distracted by, this issue again in your life. Unless, that is, your friends on Facebook tag you in a post on the subject.

  • Michael

    As long as we’re talking gestures, I’m a convert, and have always wondered why, at the end of mass, the priest blesses (sign of the cross) and we do the same to ourselves. It is ubiquitous so I assume it is proper; but why?

    • Erin

      I’m actually not sure, but that’s a great question. If anyone knows, please comment! I did a little research but wasn’t able to find much in way of results.

  • Sherry

    Erin, I would find your reflections more compelling if you referenced liturgical theologians instead of EWTN. You write very clearly, with logic and passion. One guideline for prayer I use is: God doesn’t should on us (scrupulousity). If a prayer practice/posture leads you closer to God, it is good for you. I do like your four concluding points, especially #4. Keep writing,

    • Erin

      Thank you for the thoughtful comment, Sherry. Are there any theologians that you yourself prefer or any books/websites you recommend? I’m always looking for new sources, and I would definitely rather use stuff directly from (good) theologians. Unfortunately my bookshelf is a little bare at the moment and I always get nervous using stuff I find online unless it is something that I know is generally well-respected (hence my using sites like EWTN, Catholic Answers, CNA, etc.).

      I completely agree with your statement that “God doesn’t should on us.” That’s why I included the last bit in my post about how this isn’t a salvation issue. It in no way affects God, but I still think it’s important to consider these things, not only because it is interesting, but also because knowing why the Church does why it does and the reasoning behind the prayer positions we choose can help us draw closer to God.

  • Ellen

    Great post! Knowing the reasoning behind things is one of the most beautiful things in the Church. Those details are meant to help us as humans remember and connect with the theology as we pray. Everything from the stained glass, to the postures, to the words is meant to remind and focus our attention on our prayer and follow the theology that leads us to the most meaningful relationship with God.

    • Erin

      Thank you Ellen 🙂

      That’s part of my reasoning behind doing this “Catholicism Unwrapped” series. Every little detail in our beautiful Church has a purpose, and I love that. I really want to dig into all the obscure details and find out why things are done the way they are because it adds so much to our prayer life and to the liturgy!

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